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Email marketing and 3D models: what are the advantages?

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Email marketing and 3D models: what are the advantages?

Are you looking for a better way to communicate your real estate programs? Email marketing and 3D models are the solutions for you. The former aims to establish a closer link with your existing customers and prospects.

While the second is designed to capture the attention and facilitate the decision-making process of your potential customers. So why not combine the two and turn them into a real estate sales lever?

What is real estate email marketing and 3D models?

Before discovering how to combine email marketing and 3D models, let's first look at the definition of these two concepts.

Email marketing is a marketing strategy that consists of promoting a service or product to a user by sending e-mails.

In the real estate sector, email marketing is a technique for communicating with your prospects and potential customers. The aim is to promote your real estate projects, generate leads and build customer loyalty.

The 3D model is a three-dimensional graphic representation of the exterior of a real estate project. Also known as an orbital model, it allows you to take a complete tour of the building complex.

The 3D model is a visualization tool that can be used by real estate professionals and buyers alike. 3D models can therefore be integrated into a real estate marketing strategy.

What are the advantages of email marketing and 3D models?

For property developers, both email marketing and 3D models offer undeniable advantages.

Benefits of real estate email marketing

Email marketing enables real estate professionals to :

  • Reduce costs: emailing is inexpensive compared to other marketing strategies;
  • Improve efficiency: target specific audiences and develop personalized messages;
  • Automate certain tasks: you can send e-mails automatically;
  • Building customer loyalty: email marketing keeps you in touch with your customers to build loyalty;
  • Increase sales: personalized messages increase open rates and conversion rates, ensuring additional sales.

Advantages of 3D models

For real estate developers, 3D models offer the following advantages:

  • Better communication: thanks to a three-dimensional visualization of the project, stakeholders can communicate and collaborate more easily. Potential customers can also find out about lot availability at the click of a button;
  • Sales acceleration: 3D models capture prospects' attention and help them project their future acquisitions;
  • Versatile use: 3D models can be combined with other technologies such as virtual tours, floor plans and 3D architectural plans;
  • Improved brand image: developers using 3D models are perceived as professional, innovative and transparent in their work;
  • Competitive advantage: a real estate ad with 3D visuals attracts more customers than a classic ad with 2D images.

Why combine 3D models and email marketing?

3D models and email marketing each offer their own advantages for property developers. Combining them can only benefit your business.

Improved customer commitment

Sending personalized content for each prospect category increases customer engagement. Personalized content can make your prospect more interested in your offer.

For example, simply adding their first or last name to your message is a better way of attracting their attention. Many software programs offer this option, saving you the trouble of writing out each recipient's first name one by one.

The 3D model also enhances customer engagement. With a simple click, you can perform a variety of actions, such as taking a 360° tour of the building from a pedestrian viewpoint, or zooming in on an element.

Potential customers can visualize architectural details, balconies, doors and surroundings. Satisfied with the customer journey, your prospects will want to get in touch or subscribe to your newsletter. This is an opportunity to establish a close relationship with them and encourage them to buy.

Good return on investment

Producing 3D visuals, especially 3D models, requires investment. To get the most out of them, they need to be seen by as many people as possible, increasing the chances of closing a deal.

Email marketing can be a great way to increase the visibility of your real estate ads enriched with 3D visuals. These can be prospecting emails addressed directly to potential buyers. Not only is it simple, it's also inexpensive.

Greater accessibility

Most people check their email regularly, whether it's for work, looking for opportunities or whatever.

Email marketing is therefore an opportunity to direct more potential customers to your website or social networks. By including links to your 3D models in your emails, prospects will be able to visualize your real estate projects in a realistic way.

It's also a more accessible way of getting in touch with potential customers. For example, if a potential buyer has not followed up on an initial contact, simply send a follow-up message. In this case, you're being attentive without being intrusive.

Personalizing the customer experience

Last but not least, combining 3D mock-ups with email marketing allows you to personalize the customer experience. In fact, it's possible to connect the 3D model to your CRM to identify the most responsive prospects most likely to make a purchase.

This enables you to create targeted email campaigns. Automatically sending e-mails to these targeted profiles makes it easier to close a sale.

How can you ensure the success of your email marketing with 3D models?

Combining 3D models and email marketing is a real advantage for property developers. However, a number of factors need to be taken into account to ensure the effectiveness of this combination.

Relevant content

It should be noted that email marketing is totally different from spamming. Email marketing targets a specific audience, segmented according to preferences, location or behavior. Spam is sent without regard for the recipient.

To avoid your email marketing being seen as spam, you need to write relevant content. Don't forget to mention the possibility of visualizing your real estate programs using 3D models.

To create relevant content, the message must be clear from the outset. Do you want to present your new real estate program? Or send newsletters to existing customers? Or conduct surveys?

In all cases, the message must be personalized and free from over-selling formulas such as "opportunity", "exceptional" or "free trial". These formulas easily trigger spam alerts.

If you follow these techniques, you'll increase the open rate of your emails, and therefore your chances of closing a sale.

Respect for customer data

For your email marketing campaign, you need to collect email addresses. You'll also gather information on your potential customers thanks to the CRM linked to the 3D model.

To demonstrate your professionalism and transparency, you must therefore respect the rules your prospects' and customers' data (RGPD). You must obtain the consent of these individuals and clearly indicate the purpose of data collection.

Also give them the option of unsubscribing from your mailing lists.

Optimization of emails and templates

People are increasingly consulting their emails on their smartphones. Hence the need tooptimize your emails for mobile devices. To do this, adopt a responsive design so that your email automatically adapts to the recipient's screen size.

Fonts should be legible on a small screen. Call-to-action buttons should also be large enough to facilitate clicks.

The same applies to your 3D mock-ups, which must be adapted to the recipient's screen. Unoptimized interactive mock-ups can contain bugs and distortions, which can make for an unpleasant customer experience. So it's important to test your 3D visuals before making them public.

Let us create your 3D renderings for real estate.

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