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3D real estate modeling and virtual tours: benefits and how they work

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3D real estate modeling and virtual tours: benefits and how they work

Are you having trouble selling your properties or communicating about your programs? 3D modeling is the solution to convince customers and investors to take the plunge. Virtual tours, photorealistic 3D images and real estate models have become a must for all professionals in the sector.

As this technology is constantly evolving, architectural software is multiplying, offering more breathtaking renderings than ever before. Would you like to take advantage of this to win more contracts and boost your business?

Let's find out how 3D modeling and virtual tours work in the real estate sector.

3D modeling for real estate projects: what are the advantages?

3D modeling, and especially virtual tours, are full ofadvantages for real estate professionals and buyers alike. These tools are revolutionizing the real estate industry, reducing many costs and optimizing the customer experience. As a result, they boost sales.

Cost reduction

For properties to be built or under construction, 3D tools can help reduce construction costs by preventing errors. In fact, three-dimensional visualization makes it possible to :

  • Detecting design errors ;
  • Facilitate collaboration and exchanges between team members (designers, architects, contractors, craftsmen);
  • Preview the benefits of certain materials and finishes.

These upstream checks reduce wasted time and misunderstandings, and help to clarify the expectations of each stakeholder. All you have to do is show the site manager what is expected, and the craftsmen the desired results, for faster, more efficient implementation.

This will reduce construction costs and make your project more profitable.

As far as real estate agencies are concerned, 3D modeling helps reduce the cost of visits and customer acquisition. In fact, this technology improves real estate agency operations by reducing the number of property visits.

Offering an online catalog of virtual visits will save your teams long preparation times, travel time and visit times. This considerable time-saving translates into real savings for your real estate agency.

What's more, the presence of virtual visits also makes it possible to sort out the serious profiles from the uninformed prospects, reducing long phone calls and recurring trips.

With all this time saved, you can invest in high value-added actions: new mandates, customer service, business development, etc.

Improving the customer experience

The real estate sector has evolved considerably thanks to technology. Real estate professionals have benefited, but so have buyers and tenants. In fact, the customer experience has reduced the time it takes buyers to find a property.

On websites and online real estate ads, they can refine their initial selections thanks to the 3D visuals available (virtual tours, 3D video, photorealistic perspectives) before requesting a physical visit.

In fact, buyers prefer to buy or rent from real estate agents who offer this type ofcustomer experience. Any prospect can therefore freely :

  • Discover the place at any time and from any place;
  • Projecting space and interior design;
  • Visiting property even when far away or unable to travel;
  • Get information fast.

As a real estate agent, these advantages enable you to reduce vacancies and improve the quality of customer service.

For property developers, it's a way of showing off the potential of the future property, if it's still under construction. This technique allows you to increase your bookings and gain cash to complete your program.

The advantage of using a 3D real estate tour is that it quickly arouses the customer's interest and enables him or her to :

  • Get an idea of the benefits and advantages of the property;
  • Obtain explanations for faster decision-making;
  • Discover the property's full potential at your own pace.

For developers and real estate agents alike, virtual tours and other 3D tools are an excellent solution to the potential reluctance of buyers. These images offer a truly immersive experience, thanks to their attention to detail and quality.

However, this persuasiveness is only possible through the use of powerful tools, applications, software and advanced personalization.

3D real estate modelling: which tools to use?

The 3D software market meets the needs of professionals looking for quality 3D real estate renderings. A number of software programs and applications currently offer 3D visuals with advanced functionalities.

BIM and CAD software comparison: AutoCAD and Microstation

BIM and CAD are two different real estate 3D model design methodologies. BIM or Building Information System is a collaborative tool for creating and generating an intelligent digital model of the entire construction project.

It integrates a wide range of data: geometric information, nature of materials, energy performance. This enables BIM software to simulate information such as the building's energy consumption.

BIM software includes ArchiCAD, Revit, DynamoBIM and Microstation.

CAD refers to computer-aided design software. They can be used to create architectural elements such as 2D or 3D plans.

These programs are used solely for graphic design, and do not include any data or information about the building. Nevertheless, they are the most widely used software for 3D building visuals. AutoCAD is essentially a CAD tool, although it is interoperable with Revit.

Nevertheless, to impress buyers and extend your communication with 3D images and video, the use of tools such as AutoCAD, 3ds Max or SketchUp is more than sufficient.

The importance of customization 

Personalization is at the heart of many companies' strategies to attract and retain customers. The real estate world is no exception.

Thanks to 3D technology and virtual tour applications, you can seduce your prospects with advanced personalization. Customers are looking for the right property to meet their needs.

By focusing on the personalization of your 3D models, you not only contribute to the immersive experience, but above all to creating an emotional connection between them and the property.

<p>C’est justement le cas avec le configurateur 3D. Cet outil mis à disposition de vos clients leur permet de visualiser et de personnaliser tous les aspects d’une propriété (murs, finitions, mobilier, design intérieur).

If you're a real estate agent, it can be used to show them a property's potential for redevelopment or renovation. If you're selling new-build properties, the configurator is essential to help prospects get to grips with the premises, and thus facilitate the buying decision.

As far as possible, therefore, every real estate player should use 3D tools in general. Not only will you boost your business, but you'll also improve your brand image through an optimized customer experience. 

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