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Why make a real estate 3D animation film?

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3D animation film for real estate development: why is it essential in 2023?

Whether you're selling an old apartment or promoting a new development, real estate video has become a must. For buyers and investors, 3D real estate animation has become a must.

Dynamic, realistic and, above all, more fun, it's a popular tool for real estate development or architectural competitions. Here are 5 reasons why animated films are indispensable in the real estate sector.

The 3D real estate animation film: help your prospects to project themselves

The 3D animated real estate film lets you project yourself into the future building through sequences of animated images. Thanks to its many animated details, it's a "living" presentation of your real estate project.

Based on computer-generated images and architect's plans, and with a great deal of creative flair, this film provides realistic images of a new-build property. Far from being a simple plan, it's a real audiovisual production that explains the advantages of your project in just a few seconds. It's easy to forget that these are computer-generatedimages designed and animated by a designer, modeler and graphic artist. The experience thus becomes more immersive, transforming you from mere spectator to future homeowner.

Produced in a personalized way, theanimated film enhances the environment of the new property. Designers can add lush green gardens or a snowy backdrop to fully immerse future buyers. They can also, for example, show 3D characters. You can watch the condominium dwellers stroll through the building, or the employees busy in their offices. This allows us to imagine the history of the neighborhood and community life on the site. There's no limit to the ways in which digital creation can amaze your prospects.

3D real estate film: better explain all the advantages of your real estate project

With just 30 seconds of 3D animation, you can explain your construction project. In fact, according to one study, video improves customer understanding of a product or service by 74%. When presenting a real estate development project orarchitectural competition, the technical details of real estate programs are numerous.

Demonstrate all your assets in just a few seconds: pleasant surroundings, innovative concept, proximity to shopping areas... Depending on your preferences, the camera can linger on scenes inside and outside thebuilding to support your project's assets. It's a subtle and intelligent way to get your sales message across.

You don't need to spend a lot of time on technical details, because interested parties will naturally come to you. Real estate animation is the best way to showcase your expertise and communicate your values. It's an incredible time-saver for you and your sales team.

3D real estate video: seduce your audience

3D real estate animation is a powerful visual communication tool for real estate developers and architects. Videos capture attention more naturally and quickly than a simple image. On social networks, at conferences or in face-to-face sales, its reputation is well established. Nevertheless, numerous figures show that 3D real estate videos have become essential for capturing the attention of your prospects and arousing their interest.

According to a study, 1 minute of film is more convincing than a long text. Indeed, by showing directly to your prospects or to a jury all the potential of your project, you will have more chances to convince them than with a single technical file. Thanks to high quality animated images, you will surprise your interlocutors. Your project is highlighted and enriched specifically to seduce your audience. Indicate your strong points, get to the point and show the animated images in a few minutes are enough to make a lasting impact.

Real estate animation video: multiply your communication channels

An excellent promotional tool, 3D animated films can be accessed via a variety of channels. For your digital strategy, put your presentation film online on your website to generate clicks and traffic. They show the features and benefits of your real estate projects in a lively way.

Social networks are also a real catalyst for marketing campaigns in many sectors, including real estate. As Youtube is the second most used search engine after Google, it's in your interest to use it to reach a wider audience.

Even if digital has become a preferred channel, 3D animated real estate films still have a place in your traditional communications. At trade shows and fairs, you can broadcast your real estate achievements or marketing campaign on giant screens or at your stand. They're also incredible communication tools for opening or closing an official presentation of your real estate project, to get the public excited. It's also possible to equip your sales team with a video clip on a tablet, to present all the advantages of your project.

Real estate animation film: adopt storytelling for your communication

Make an impactful storytelling with your real estate animation film. Storytelling is the art of telling a story, which has become an essential part of any communication strategy. The world of real estate is no exception since storytelling gives a soul to your project. Individuals as well as professionals are more and more attentive to this aspect and prefer to invest in projects that arouse emotion in them.

One of the best ways to tell a story is through film. Through an animated film, you will be able to amaze your audience and especially potential buyers.

Animated film is not just about showing illustrations and 3D images on several levels. Above all, it allows for the realization of a real scenario or storyboard to move the audience and invite them to action.

In order to achieve a poignant narrative, you can choose the angles through which you lead those viewing the video. Do you want to start with aerial or satellite views to show the geographical location? Would you prefer to start with a ground view to anchor the viewers directly in reality? It is even possible to place a 3D character in the setting. This character will discover the building complex or the apartment at the same time as the public. 

Opening a door to gain access to the building's interior, peering out from one of the balconies, resting on a bench in the adjacent park or seeing reflections of the sky on the bay window... These little details added by the designers not only enhance your 3D video, but above all provoke emotion in those who view it.

This 3D tool is therefore a creative tool that can interest and move your prospects, and that can be customized in abundance.

Entrust the production of your 3D animation films to professionals

Indispensable for any real estate project, the real estate 3D animation film is a tool that must seduce by its aestheticism and its realization. By working with competent professionals, you will reach your objectives. Specialists in 3D images, at Vizion Studio, we produce images and perspectives of architecture, but also real estate animation films.

We realize your real estate animation film from A to Z according to the specifications agreed with you. To realize the ideal 3D animation short film, we use your plans or a model and collect all the necessary data through our exchanges.

This allows us to propose a skeleton, a sketch or a storyboard. To bring your ideas to life, our team sublimates all the elements: textures, scenery, color and lighting. Our professional animators add visual effects, camera movements and trajectories so that the visualization creates a maximum effect. We edit the video to make it not only coherent, but also aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Working closely with you, our 3D studio takes into account your needs and your audience to create the real estate animation video that will win them over.

Real estate developer or architect, if you want to make a 3D real estate video for your project, ask for a quote now.

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